Tuesday, July 19, 2011

School Tech Connect: I'm In! Why I March

School Tech Connect: I'm In! Why I March

I'm In! Why I March

Let me just say that it has not been an easy season here at School TechConnect. On top of that, it's hard for me to travel for a variety of reasons. (Did you like the self-referencing link there? Anything for hits. I'm data-driven.)

But I'm in. I'm going to the March-- just bought the ticket tonight. I think it was finally the Education Summit that did it for me. On the heels of the fully exposed corporate mugging of Illinois teachers, it was just too much. I'm not blind or stupid; I know that at the end of the day, the President will stiff-arm the marchers and brush it all off as simply so much "fear of change." I know that he's done some kind of calculus in his head and he's decided that it makes sense to transform public education into the polar opposite of the kind of education he chooses for his own children. I don't think he's ever hidden his thoughts on the matter.