Tuesday, July 12, 2011

THE PERIMETER PRIMATE: The U.S.A., our war eras, and who we are.

THE PERIMETER PRIMATE: The U.S.A., our war eras, and who we are.

The U.S.A., our war eras, and who we are.

This remarkable table, reflecting our nation's priorities, was created from war era dates defined by the American Legion. The American Legion is “...the nation’s largest veterans service organization...

"Eligibility Requirements for American Legion Membership

Military members currently on active duty, who are serving the United States honorably, anywhere in the world, or have served honorably during any of the following eligible war eras, are invited to be members of The American Legion.
  • April 6, 1917 to Nov. 11, 1918 (World War I)
  • Dec. 7, 1941 to Dec. 31, 1946 (World War II)
  • June 25, 1950 to Jan. 31, 1955 (Korean War)
  • Feb. 28, 1961 to May 7, 1975 (Vietnam War)
  • Aug. 24, 1982 to July 31, 1984 (Lebanon / Grenada)
  • Dec. 20, 1989 to Jan. 31, 1990 (Panama)
  • Aug. 2, 1990 to today (Gulf War / War On Terrorism)

The table covers 1917 to 2011 (the past 85 years). The last declared war was World War II.

Red cells indicate wars. Blue cells indicate peacetime.