Saturday, July 2, 2011

#NEARA11 Adopts Resolution Criticizing Arne Duncan - Teacher Beat - Education Week

NEA Adopts Resolution Criticizing Arne Duncan - Teacher Beat - Education Week

NEA Adopts Resolution Criticizing Arne Duncan

With a few minor amendments, the NEA's Representative Assembly today passed New Business Item C, a.k.a."13 Things We Hate About Arne Duncan."

One of its sponsors said that unions are tired of being attacked, and they are "especially upset that the U.S. Department of Education and Secretary Duncan are part of the problems we face every single day."

No one disagreed, and there wasn't a whole lot of debate on the item, which is a pretty good indication of just how ticked off the union is right about now.

Worth mentioning: One delegate offered and then withdrew an amendment to encourage President Obama to recall Duncan—and replace him with former NEA President Reg Weaver. (The amendment, believe it or not, went to a standing vote before it was withdrawn.)

Another delegate wanted to know whether there was any new information in the item that the NEA hadn't already conveyed to the Education Department. Apparently not. "They have all been related to the secretary of