Monday, July 18, 2011

National Curriculum and Use of Technology | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

National Curriculum and Use of Technology | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

National Curriculum and Use of Technology

Who gave this recent speech on a national curriculum?

“The nations of East Asia, large and small, are now in the position the Islamic world was a millennium ago or Europe enjoyed during the Renaissance. Individually, they now increasingly resemble the England of the eighteenth century, the Germany of the nineteenth or the USA in the twentieth.

They are growing rapidly industrially and technologically; integrating more and more of their people into the global economy; investing more and more in math and science; producing the engineers, technicians, scientists and inventors who will shape tomorrow’s world….

At undergraduate level, over half of degrees in China, Singapore and Japan are awarded in science and engineering subjects – compared to around a third in the UK, EU and US. The number of science and