Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Michigan Is Tops on National Teacher Union Media Blitz List [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Michigan Is Tops on National Teacher Union Media Blitz List [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Michigan Is Tops on National Teacher Union Media Blitz List

The National Education Association has helped fund the Michigan Education Association’s media campaigns more than any of the national union’s other state affiliates over the past two years, according to a teachers’ union watchdog group. The Education Intelligence Agency says the Michigan Education Association has received $513,000 for “media projects” from the NEA.

“Typically the grants underwrite media buys in the state that promote the union's image or decry some injustice being done to schools,” wrote Mike Antonucci, director of EIA, in an email. “If there are/were MEA TV or radio ads of this type, it's possible NEA helped pay for them.”

The MEA announced in May that it had launched statewide TV ads claiming politicians were “robbing our kids’ future” with cuts to the