Tuesday, July 26, 2011

John Thompson: On the Eve of the March, Phony Reforms are on the Ropes - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

John Thompson: On the Eve of the March, Phony Reforms are on the Ropes - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

John Thompson: On the Eve of the March, Phony Reforms are on the Ropes

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Guest post by John Thompson

On the eve of our Save Our Schools March, we should look anew on the "reform" wars. The S.O.S. March will highlight educators' ideas for improving our schools. To save and improve our schools, teachers and school administrators must show that we have the better ideas for helping our kids. But we should also remember that we will be rallying at a time when data-driven "reform" is on the ropes.

The devastating indictment of bubble-in accountability by the National Academies of Science did not get the attention it deserved. But the cheating scandals in Atlanta, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Baltimore, and elsewhere have. And they are just the tip of the iceberg of corruption.

A lower-profile method of cheating by using "credit recovery" to pad graduation