Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Groups Helped Push for NEA Evaluation-Proposal Changes - Teacher Beat - #NEARA11

Groups Helped Push for NEA Evaluation-Proposal Changes - Teacher Beat - Education Week

Groups Helped Push for NEA Evaluation-Proposal Changes

An NEA mystery solved!

You'll remember a few days ago, NEA's policy statement was mysteriously amended before it hit the floor of the Representative Assembly with a sentence that was a lot more specific about what NEA would accept with respect to test scores. Well, I've been poking around, trying to figure out what exactly went down.

Today I spoke with Dean Vogel, the new president of the California Teachers Association, who was tapped to co-chair the NEA committee that crafted the proposal. Vogel explained to me that after the original statement had been approved by the board of directors and sent to state affiliates, the committee started getting some pushback from groups in the states, including a California advisory council.

The National Council of Urban Education Associations, an NEA caucus of sorts with about 250 urban locals, was also less than happy with the language as originally drafted. The group carries some weight in the NEA,