Sunday, July 31, 2011

The folly of one-size-fits-all education – Tenth Amendment Center

The folly of one-size-fits-all education – Tenth Amendment Center

The folly of one-size-fits-all education

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by Michael Maharrey

Federal Education mandates under No Child Left behind are quickly becoming the hottest state nullification target.

Idaho and South Dakota recently joined Montana in openly defying benchmarks set for this year.

NCLB set a goal of 100 percent student proficiency in math and reading by 2014. The feds gave the states leeway to create their own timetable, but as that deadline looms, state lawmakers are beginning to realize they won’t make it. So instead of pushing on toward unrealistic federal goals, they are abandoning the mandates and formulating their own programs.

Even at the risk of losing federal dollars.

Montana receives more than $44 million in federal funding under NCLB, according to the Associated Press.