Sunday, July 24, 2011

Does new California law force rehiring of teachers? It's unclear, districts say - Sacramento Bee

Does new California law force rehiring of teachers? It's unclear, districts say - Sacramento News - Local and Breaking Sacramento News | Sacramento Bee

Does new California law force rehiring of teachers? It's unclear, districts say

Published: Sunday, Jul. 24, 2011 - 12:00 am | Page 1B

State legislation passed last month to block public school districts from reducing their teaching staffs in the coming school year hasn't resulted in a rush among local districts to rehire all the instructors laid off in May.

Most Sacramento-area school officials say they aren't sure whether the law requires a rehiring blitz. And many state officials seem unclear as well.

Assembly Bill 114 says school districts must ignore – for now – the prospect of a $1.75 billion "trigger" cut that could hit K-12 districts in February if the Legislature's revenue projections fall

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