Friday, July 29, 2011

D.C. teacher: Why I believe I was really fired - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

D.C. teacher: Why I believe I was really fired - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

D.C. teacher: Why I believe I was really fired

Peter Gwynn, a D.C. public school teacher who was one of 206 teachers fired this month under the IMPACT evaluation system, writes here about why he believes he was really let go. The fired teachers, my colleague Bill Turque reported, amount to 5 percent of the 4,100 teachers in the system. IMPACT was first implemented under the chancellorship of Michelle Rhee, who quit last October and was succeeded by her deputy, Kaya Henderson. IMPACT has been criticized on a range of issues, with critics calling it arbitrary and punitive and primarily a way to fire veteran teachers. D.C. schools officials reject the criticism.

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