Friday, July 1, 2011

Daily Kos: Not that it matters, but

Daily Kos: Not that it matters, but

Not that it matters, but

this is my 2001st diary at daily kos. The statistics will show it as 1999, but I deleted 2.

It has been an interesting 7+ years. I posted my first diary in January of 2004.

I first came to the site in November of 2003, when I was in NH to help advance an event for Howard Dean, and someone showed me the site. I did not register until mid-December. Then at one point someone suggested that I turn a comment I had posted into a diary. I was so dense I did not realize I could post diaries of my own. Go figure.

Some of what I posted was a waste of time and pixels, but by and large I am satistified with the body of my work

Eugene Robinson questions our use of drone strikes

in a Washington Post column titled Assassination by robot: Are we justified?. It is a column well worth reading, and its first paragraph puts the case bluntly:

The skies over at least six countries are patrolled by robotic aircraft, operated by the U.S. military or the CIA, that fire missiles to carry out targeted assassinations. I am convinced that this method of waging war is cost-effective but not that it is moral.

Robinson quotes John Brennan, Obama's counterterrorism advisor, as describing the drone strikes as "surgical,"