Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: The greatest teacher incentive: The freedom to teach

Cool Cat Teacher Blog: The greatest teacher incentive: The freedom to teach

The greatest teacher incentive: The freedom to teach

The Washington Post oped is live The greatest teacher incentive: The freedom to teach and full of thoughts and words that echoed through my head as a result of the surveys you completed on Monday.

How it was written
Over 130 of you took the time and energy to share your thoughts. Your passion to teach and do what is right took my breath away. NONE of you asked for no accountability. You want to teach well and you want to be held accountable but you believe that the assessment of your proficiency as a teacher is unfair.

The overarching theme
If we told students that we would give them ONE test a year and that their entire grade for the whole year rested on that ONE test, nothing else. What would we see?

We would see parents yelling. We would see students crying. We would see legislators acting against those