Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Catalyst Notebook :: Students demand CPS curtail suspensions

Catalyst Notebook :: Students demand CPS curtail suspensions
Students demand CPS curtail suspensionsPosted By Sarah Karp On Thursday, July 14, 2011
In High Schools Seeing an opening with a new CEO and a new board of education, on Thursday a coalition of CPS students put pressure on the district administration to change tactics in how students are disciplined.

Too many students are suspended or expelled and too much money is spent on strategies like security guards and metal detectors—which serve to punish youth rather than help them change behaviors, according to about 75 teens who held a press conference in the lobby of district headquarters downtown.

“Schools are supposed to do things in the best interest of children,” said Carlil Pittman, a student at Gage Park High School who is involved with the Southwest Organizing Project.

In the News: North, Northwest Side schools enroll more students; Obama asks CEOs to donate to educationPosted By Cassandra West On Tuesday, July 19, 2011
In In the News

The tide of middle-class Chicago residents moving to the suburbs as their children reach kindergarten may be slowing, enrollment records and demographic data suggest. Schools on the North and Northwest sides enrolled more students even as enrollment slipped across the city's school system to 404,589 last year, down 1.5 percent from five years ago, state records show.(Tribune)

Chicago Public Schools officials are distributing 1,500 fans to schoolsthroughout the system as the city tackles a record-breaking heat wave this