Wednesday, July 20, 2011

At long last! No Child Left Inside bill introduced in Congress - Main Line Times - Main Line Media News

At long last! No Child Left Inside bill introduced in Congress - Main Line Times - Main Line Media News

At long last! No Child Left Inside bill introduced in Congress

Bastille Day was a huge one for me, a grizzled environmental educator who has been teaching about nature and the environment since, yikes, 1975, and my ilk: the No Child Left Inside Coalition promoting a bill co-sponsored by some 20 senators (like Pennsylvania’s Casey) and 100-plus congressmen stormed the Capitol steps to introduce eagerly awaited legislation mandating that our kids become environmentally literate.

And I am fiercely praying this doesn’t get lost in the ill wind blowing through Washington these days.

Its nickname, of course, is the environmental-education (EE) movement’s twist on the “No Child Left Behind” initiatives of the last decade.

The No Child Left Inside Coalition is massive, a serious alliance of almost 2,000 business, education, environmental and other groups representing 50 million Americans, spearheaded by the