Wednesday, July 20, 2011

ASCD Inservice: Assessing Pupil Progress—New Methods Are Emerging (1975)

ASCD Inservice: Assessing Pupil Progress—New Methods Are Emerging (1975)

Assessing Pupil Progress—New Methods Are Emerging (1975)

James L. Leary, superintendent for instruction in Plymouth, Mich., schools, knows that grades aren't everything. After all, he relates, "A high school principal recently indicated his concern to me about the fact that the top three students (academically) from the graduating class of '71 are now in mental institutions, having 'bombed out' from drug abuse."

From here, Leary shares strides in making grading a more meaningful endeavor in his 1975 Educational Leadership article.

Some of these methods, such as student involvement in the evaluation process, open-ended essay responses rather than