Wednesday, July 27, 2011

$5 million to dissect district reforms | Thoughts on Public Education

$5 million to dissect district reforms | Thoughts on Public Education

$5 million to dissect district reforms - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Whether it’s an inspiring principal, teacher collaboration, curriculum changes, or parental involvement, it’s often clear why one school stands out above others. But why districts in California excel is a tougher question. The Stuart Foundation will spend $5.2 million over the next two years to seek answers and to encourage districts to share what they [...]

High schools are failing to educate our students for college and careers - by Linda Murray

The debate around the mission of our nation’s high schools runs hot. Should all students take a core curriculum that prepares them to go to college if they choose? Or should some students take a lighter academic load and be trained in workforce readiness skills that will lead directly to jobs or some further post-secondary [...]