Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Will (Or Can) Computers Replace Teachers? « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

Will (Or Can) Computers Replace Teachers? « Diary of a Public School Teacher!

Will (Or Can) Computers Replace Teachers?

As I listened to my favorite radio station this morning, the hosts made reference to an article, ”Will teachers be replaced by computers?” The hosts made jokes, but I took this question seriously.

“As long as schools measure performance simply by rote memorization on multiple-choice tests, no teacher can compete with instant access to the world’s information. Unless schools change, more and more teachers will find themselves replaced by computers.”

But that’s the point, we should not measure performance based on rote memorization. As a country, we are always pushing critical thinking. In the classroom, we are all given copies of Bloom’s Taxonomy, and told to encourage higher level thinking. In reality though, we know what we are asked to do, get