Thursday, June 9, 2011

When World Views Differ Dramatically - Bridging Differences - Education Week

When World Views Differ Dramatically - Bridging Differences - Education Week

When World Views Differ Dramatically

Dear Diane,

I'm going to D.C. tomorrow** to talk with Rick Hess about Terry Moe's new anti-union book, Special Interest: Teachers Unions and America's Public Schools. I read it thinking: "Does this guy really believe what he's saying, or is he only trying to make points with some larger audience he hopes to reach?"

The odds are that he believes every word he writes; another reminder of how much what we take for granted depends on our particular experiences. Maybe these guys DO constantly run into teachers who are fans of Michel Rhee, as they claim. With the millions of dollars Rhee has access to she'll have no trouble soon claiming soon that her new organization, StudentsFirst, represents enough teachers to present herself as the voice of real teachers in favor of serfdom. (Joke)

To claim, as Moe does, that we live in a world/country in which unions match the power of corporate entities in