Sunday, June 12, 2011

What reformers could learn from my friend Len - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

What reformers could learn from my friend Len - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

What reformers could learn from my friend Len

Bill Gates and the other wealthy philanthropists throwing their money on unproven projects in public education could learn a thing or two from my friend Leonard Turkel.

Len, who died last week at the age of 80, led a double life in Miami. He did exceptionally well in business, creating a number of successful concerns (early in his life, in just one of his pursuits, he became Florida’s pioneer condominium builder, and in an area where condos were king, that is saying something).

But his animating principle wasn’t about making money but about helping people. And he did this in a most unusual way: He saw a human problem and he found a practical way to fix it. Then he worked to cut through red tape and rally the people in the community to help themselves.

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