Thursday, June 30, 2011

The value of a PLN | Connected Principals

The value of a PLN | Connected Principals

The value of a PLN

Today I had the wonderful opportunity to Skype with Dwight Carter’s administrative team, and I must admit that they definitely didn’t disappoint! I have been following Dwight’s blog and twitter feed for about a year now, and I very much so appreciate him taking the time to organize his administrative team to speak with me. If this is not a testament of the power of a PLN, then I don’t know what is…

Reflection being a crucial and essential quality of any great Educator, I feel it is necessary to share the main points from our discussion:

- Discipline is not about punishing students; it’s about changing behaviors and helping students to learn and grow…

- Using faculty meetings to share and celebrate the great things going on in your school is much more effective and productive than simply disseminating information that can be shared through email…