Thursday, June 2, 2011

An Urban Teacher's Education: I Never Expected

An Urban Teacher's Education: I Never Expected

I Never Expected

As I've been reflecting on the purpose of my blog, I've realized that since I left my job in DC, I've seen this blog, at times, as an open letter to my former self - the eager, idealistic college graduate who thought he could change the world in an inner-city classroom. In that vein, and in a very short post, I'd like to take a little time to catalogue a few experiences I was utterly unprepared for when I entered the classroom.

I never expected that I would be responsible for keeping records of everything I did in order to prove that I was competent at my job. From logs detailing calls I've made to parents to lesson plans to behavioral interventions, I've been immensely frustrated with the amount of valuable time record keeping has stolen from me.

I never expected that students I had years ago would contact me out of the blue and tell me how important I was in their life. I'd always hoped I would prepare them for college, and they might thank me for that, but never did I expect a student to tell me that I made all the difference.

I never expected to be on the verge of tears as a result of the sheer happiness I've gleaned from working with my students. I am utterly enamored with the people I work with. To say that their strength and determination in the face of challenges (the likes of which I will never know) is inspiring would be a dreadful understatement.