Saturday, June 4, 2011

This Week In Education: Weekend Reading: Showdown At The Reform Corral

This Week In Education: Weekend Reading: Showdown At The Reform Corral

Weekend Reading: Showdown At The Reform Corral

ScreenHunter_09 May. 28 21.45A roundup of some of the best stuff I didn't get to during the end of the week. What'd I miss? As Gates Foundation Grows, Critics Question Methods NPR: In an independent survey last year, many partners said the foundation didn't understand their goals, was inconsistent in its communications and often unresponsive... Ohio Unions Fight to Roll Back Labor Law WSJ: Organized labor is bringing 10,000 volunteers and a $25 million budget to the latest round of the union-rights fight in Ohio, pushing an effort to repeal a new state law reining in public-employee unions... Don’t Believe Critics, Education Reform Works Joanathan Alter: In truth, as Jon Schnur, the original architect of Obama’s Race to the Top initiative puts it, “No serious reformer says accountability should just be based on test