Tuesday, June 7, 2011

This Week In Education: Five Best Blogs: Debunking IL's SB7 Reform Law (Again)

This Week In Education: Five Best Blogs: Debunking IL's SB7 Reform Law (Again)

Five Best Blogs: Debunking IL's SB7 Reform Law (Again)

ScreenHunter_09 Aug. 23 18.20Don't Believe Everything You Don't Read DFER: Had anyone taken the time to dig deep into [Illinois SB7] they might have stopped to scratch their head in wonder as to why all the hoopla... An Interesting Few Days Diane Ravitch: The night before Alter criticized me for "phony empiricism," I received the Daniel Patrick Moynihan award from the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences for promoting "the use of informed judgment to advance the public good"... The ends of education reform Mike Petrilli: If we are to get beyond the “100 percent proficiency” or “all students college and career