Thursday, June 2, 2011

Teachers, unions and social networks. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Teachers, unions and social networks. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Teachers, unions and social networks.

A few months back I questioned the decision of IEA Communications Director Charlie McBarron to link on our union’s website to some anti-union lies about the Michigan Education Association published by a front group for a right-wing Michigan think tank.

Charlie, with some sarcasm and some defensiveness, wrote back pointing out that I frequently use his links as a resource for my blog.

And he was right.

But, hell. I use all kinds of internet resources for my blog.

When I spoke yesterday to the DuPage chapter of the Illinois Retired Teacher Association, I commented on the historic action that rank-and-file active and retired teachers took in responding massively to the threat of the pension robbers and Senate Bill 512.

Senate Bill 512 isn’t dead yet. But it is on life support unless the IEA leadership gives it new life in secret meetings with the Ty Fahner this summer.