Friday, June 10, 2011

The status of students | Being Latino Online Magazine

The status of students | Being Latino Online Magazine

The status of students

by Cindy Tovar

All children, regardless of their legal status, are entitled to public education. Despite this federal law, school districts around the country are trying to make enrollment just a little bit harder for children who are undocumented.

Legislators are introducing bills that will require students and parents to provide proof of citizenship in order to attend public schools.They’re concerned about how much it costs to educate a child that is here illegally, or is the U.S. born child of an illegal immigrant. They want numbers and facts, but for what purpose? We can only speculate. Fortunately, the U.S. Department of Education saw this trend and sent out a memo reminding them that what they are trying to do is illegal.

North Carolina is persistent, though, proposing that principals and school administrators merely ask about