Thursday, June 30, 2011

Shame on you!” —-> US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan

Shame on you!” —-> US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan labeled Detroit “ground zero” in education reform by video conference.” great article by Detroit attorney Tom Stephens « Continuing Change

Shame on you!” —-> US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan labeled Detroit “ground zero” in education reform by video conference.” great article by Detroit attorney Tom Stephens

I stumbled across this article today. It is written by a Detroit attorney, Tom Stephens:

“Until now no one has publicly claimed that a community could be condemned to “no viable future” by poor test results. Shame on you!” —-> US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan labeled Detroit “ground zero” in education reform by video conference.”

The article continues: “

“Permit me to explain this harsh judgment.

Many studies and competent professional educators have by now concluded that the infamous “No Child Left Behind” Act model of education has failed our children. Indeed, longstanding opponents of these “reforms” have