Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Schools Matter: Why Duncan and the BRT Must Go

Schools Matter: Why Duncan and the BRT Must Go

Why Duncan and the BRT Must Go

Today there are two mainstream non-choices in education politics and policy: Republican corporate control filtered through the reactionary ideology of the Koch Brothers and the John Birch Society, or Democratic corporate control filtered through the neoliberal technocratic ideology of the the Gates and Broad foundations. Both serve the ends of the corporate state/ state corporation and are, by definition, fascist in design and purpose.

We are, in fact, quickly approaching a point when schools will NOT matter in any positive social, cultural, or economic investment sense, a time, in fact, when education will be devoted entirely to preparing workers to compete in the global economy, i. e., working longer for less. This new education model will be be paid for with public dollars that directly feed corporate bottom lines, whether CMOs, EMOs, vouchers, or publicly-funded loans for for-profit edu-ventures.

Teachers, parents, professors, and even some in the media have finally begun to understand this, with the help