Sunday, June 5, 2011

Schools Matter: Testing writing: Not a good idea

Schools Matter: Testing writing: Not a good idea

Testing writing: Not a good idea

Testing writing: Not a good idea

Sent to the Oregonian, June 5, 2011

Susan Nielson ("Oregon lawmakers teeter on anti-schools ledge," June 5) argues that Oregon should keep the state writing test to prevent skimping on writing and critical thinking and prevent narrowing the curriculum.

In a Guest Column in the Oregonian on June 1, Joanne Yatvin, former president of the National Council of Teachers of English, explained why writing assessment is a "delusion."

Most evaluations of writing test papers are based on writing style and formal accuracy. Research shows that most of the ability to write coherently and accurately is absorbed from reading. Thus, if we want more coherent and more accurate writing, we should invest in libraries and encourage wide reading.

Actual writing (and rewriting) help us solve problems and thereby stimulates new learning. Writing tests don't