Saturday, June 11, 2011

Schools Matter: The NAACP Case Against NYC

Schools Matter: The NAACP Case Against NYC

The NAACP Case Against NYC

Ben Jealous in op-ed at the NY Daily News:
The NAACP fights for the rights of all children. As the civil rights organization that represents the most parents and children of color in the most places across this country, we know well the anguish of parents with few to no choices for quality education. That anguish fuels the sense of urgency with which we approach the fight to ensure all children have access to quality education.
In recent years, this anguish has led us to support a range of local and state reform efforts, including
* Suing the State of the New Jersey multiple times to require it to abide by its state Constitution and provide equitable, quality education to all of its children.

* Backing teacher tenure reform and the ability of parents to impose reform on schools in California.
* The reform of zero-tolerance policies in Florida, and the end of discriminatory discipline practices