Monday, June 27, 2011

Schools Matter: Brooklyn Ascend Brought to Earth by Former Teacher, Part 2

Schools Matter: Brooklyn Ascend Brought to Earth by Former Teacher, Part 2

Brooklyn Ascend Brought to Earth by Former Teacher, Part 2

This is the second email that I received from Emily Kennedy prior to our interview. I am using Emily's name because she wants wanted it that way, and it should not be construed as affecting the anonymity that I have assured, and will assure, to other interviewees involved in my current research project involving former teachers of KIPP.
Dear Teacher Friends and Other Like-Minded Folks,

By now, a lot of you have heard about the experience I had teaching at charter school in Brooklyn this year. I hope my ranting wasn't too much, but if it was, you may want to skip to the next paragraph of this email so you don't have to hear it all again. To the rest of you, however, I'd like to share a little bit about what I saw happening at this school.
Our students, whom we were required to refer to as "scholars," were required to remain silent and sit with their hands folded in front of them for virtually the entire day. There was close to zero peer interaction at any time, and we were not allowed to plan any hands-on or inquiry-based learning