Sunday, June 5, 2011

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Powerful Dem backs N.J. T-Party gov's school voucher program

Schooling in the Ownership Society: Powerful Dem backs N.J. T-Party gov's school voucher program

Powerful Dem backs N.J. T-Party gov's school voucher program

In an interview after the ceremony, Norcross said his interest in school choice was borne of moral obligation and old-fashioned capitalism. -- Star Ledger
High-powered Dem, George E. Norcross III rushed to Gov. Christie's side in the wake of the N.J. gov'schopper scandal. The billionaire insurance mogul who also sits on the Democratic National Committee, came out at a Camden rally and locked arms with the T-Party gov in support of his OSA school voucher plan for New Jersey. Sitting alongside Christie and Norcross was a who's who of the school "choice" (voucher) movement: