Saturday, June 25, 2011

Reflections on the Year in Lab | Reflections on Teaching

Reflections on the Year in Lab | Reflections on Teaching

Reflections on the Year in Lab

@whatedsaid Edna Sackson:
My best tip for new year would be to focus on how students learn rather than how you teach. It changed things for me completely #elemchat

I’ve held off doing a final “Week in Lab” post because I just couldn’t figure out how to put into words what had gone wrong this year. I focused on things from my perspective. I was going through the motions, I was on a treadmill just doing what I had done in prior years, etc. Even my husband complained that I wasn’t sharing much about the exciting things I was doing with the kids, as I had in years past.

In my conversations with my husband on this topic, I focused on the things outside of my control that made this situation what it was; too many grown-up dramas in my professional-life, the constraints of being a prep teacher and having so many students for so short a time (~375 in two 45-minute periods a week).

Those were factors, but I thought back to the time before I came to the lab, a very turbulent year, both professionally and personally. That was the year that I broke out with education technology, and started my students blogging, and creating a whole bunch of new instructional approaches. So the adult stuff can’t be all of