Friday, June 17, 2011

On the new Rhee-lite DC Chancellor

On the new Rhee-lite DC Chancellor

On the new Rhee-lite DC Chancellor

This was originally posted by ‘DrDemocracy’, in response to Bill Turque’s coverage of the confirmation hearings of Kaya Henderson, often dubbed “Rhee-lite”.

“Recently, The Post published a hire-Kaya-Henderson-piece by Michael Casserly, executive director of the Council of Great City Schools. Casserly wrote that “Henderson’s recent four years in the top ranks of the school system’s leadership have placed her front and center” in reform efforts. Those “four years in the top ranks of the school system’s leadership” also place Henderson “front and center” in the still-unfolding cheating scandal in the D.C. public schools, a scandal that Henderson seems loathe to investigate.

The Post plug for Henderson fails to mention the cheating scandal, and previously, Jo-Ann Armao, Post education editorial writer, tried to explain it away as “innocent mistakes.” However, the Michelle Rhee-Henderson-era cheating scandal is not “innocent” or mere suspicion. A USA Today examination of D.C. schools test scores reported the details. Surely Henderson must know that:

(1) D.C. school officials were very reluctant to have any kind of investigation, and