Thursday, June 2, 2011

NYC Public School Parents: Update! Rally and hearings about the mayor's devastating cuts to our kids

NYC Public School Parents: Update! Rally and hearings about the mayor's devastating cuts to our kids

Update! Rally and hearings about the mayor's devastating cuts to our kids

There was a rousing rally at City Hall yesterday morning, with parents and elected officials standing up for our kids and against the mayor’s ruthless and devastating cuts to our schools – and our kids.

The actress Kristin Johnston made a great speech, saying that she has had a long love affair with NYC ever since she moved here more than ten years ago, but that Bloomberg’s budget cuts threatened to kill that love, and his legacy. Is this really the message you want to give to the kids? Your education doesn’t matter?" She said that the citizens of NYC would fight back, and win: “I only have two words for you: Cathie Black!” (Photo at right from DNA info of Johnston, in back of the banner made by the