Thursday, June 2, 2011

New Report: Impact of “All-Cuts Budget” by School District « State of Emergency

New Report: Impact of “All-Cuts Budget” by School District « State of Emergency

New Report: Impact of “All-Cuts Budget” by School District

As the Governor and the Legislature struggle with ways to close the state budget deficit, education is being further threatened. According to the Legislative Analyst’s Office, an “all-cuts” budget could mean the loss of an additional $4.1 billion in K-12 funding, or $695 per student. Over 20,000 educators received pink slips this year, and school districts are being forced to plan for the worst as they prepare for the next school year. The Legislature must act NOW to prevent this all-cuts scenario from becoming reality.

View a report that shows the potential impact on each school district in the state, as well as the number of educators’ jobs that are currently on the line.

What can you do to stop this? First of all, share the information with your friends, most of the public is unaware of how the State Budget affects them locally. Then use our toll-free number (888-268-4334) and speak directly with your legislator’s office. Tell them you are a constituent and you vote. Then tell them how you feel about the cuts to education and what your priorities are.