Thursday, June 16, 2011

Netroots Nation: Jane Hamsher and Lt. Dan Choi on LGBT Activism in the Obama Era | Firedoglake #NN11

Netroots Nation: Jane Hamsher and Lt. Dan Choi on LGBT Activism in the Obama Era | Firedoglake

Netroots Nation: Jane Hamsher and Lt. Dan Choi on LGBT Activism in the Obama Era

FDL founder Jane Hamsher is at Netroots Nation in Minneapolis today and will be joining a panel with “Don’t Ask. Don’t Tell” activist Lt. Dan Choi and others titled, “What to Do When the President is Just Not That Into You.”

The panel begins at 3:00PM Central, and you can watch a live-stream of the discussion by clicking “Play” in the video window above.

You can read more about the panel and its participants here.

Choi recently had these kind words to share about Firedoglake and our new Membership Program. Watch his