Friday, June 10, 2011

Michigan follows Illinois’ lead in stripping teachers of tenure and seniority rights. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Michigan follows Illinois’ lead in stripping teachers of tenure and seniority rights. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Michigan follows Illinois’ lead in stripping teachers of tenure and seniority rights.

The Michigan House passed a bill that would strip teachers of many of their tenure and seniority rights. The Senate is expected to follow suit and the Tea Party Governor is expected to sign it.

This action follows on the heels of Illinois passing anti-seniority Senate Bill 7.

State Rep. Mark Ouimet, R-Scio Township, said: “Teachers still can’t be fired for arbitrary or political reasons under the legislation, but school officials and taxpayers will no longer have to deal with a costly tenure process to make needed changes.”

But just what constitutes “arbitrary and capricious”? Or, for that matter, what is an “effective” or “ineffective” teacher?

Those are questions that haunt Dan Quinn, an economics teacher at Grosse