Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mess with Prop 98, do not pass Go | Thoughts on Public Education

Mess with Prop 98, do not pass Go | Thoughts on Public Education

Mess with Prop 98, do not pass Go - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

In finding that legislators had passed a squirrely budget last week and therefore won’t get paid as of June 16, Controller John Chiang determined Tuesday that lawmakers had shorted the Proposition 98 obligation to K-12 schools and community colleges by about $1.3 billion. He’s not alone. That’s roughly the same amount that School Services of California, [...]

Prepare more students for algebra but be fair to those who aren’t ready - by Bill Honig

One of the most intractable problems facing California schools is the shockingly low performance of students in our middle grades. In 2009, on the respected NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) test, only Mississippi, Alabama, and Washington, D.C., scored lower than our state. It’s true that many of our students take Algebra, which is not [...]