Friday, June 17, 2011

Mean girls: A common breed of bully | Being Latino Online Magazine

Mean girls: A common breed of bully | Being Latino Online Magazine

Mean girls: A common breed of bully

by Alex Levine

When I watch TV and read the news, I hear about countless tragic bully stories. The large majority of the ones I’ve come across recently are boys bullying boys because of sexuality, gender identity, or because they’re overweight. There is another big pool of bullying that happens that rarely gets touched upon aside from the one Hollywood movie that labeled this phenomenon Mean Girls.

I need to preface this by saying that not all girls bully one another nor is the following true of every group of girlfriends. However, we all likely went to school with at least one group of girls like this but it often goes under the radar.

Way back in 2004 Tiny Fey and crew made a comedy about a clique of girls that had a lot of in-fighting. Given the tone of the movie and the creators, many wrote it off as comedy. The dynamics portrayed