Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Making the Case: Member Lobbyists Urge Legislators to Protect CalSTRS « State of Emergency

Making the Case: Member Lobbyists Urge Legislators to Protect CalSTRS « State of Emergency

Making the Case: Member Lobbyists Urge Legislators to Protect CalSTRS

A team of Association and ACSA active and retired members provides information to a Pamela Schneider, staff for the Senate’s Public Employment and Retirement Committee, during the June 1 lobbying day at the state Capitol.

(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) 1 June 2011 — During a pension lobby day Wednesday at the state Capitol, CTA members belonging to the State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) and administrators and superintendents from the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) met with lawmakers and legislative staff to press legislators to protect the pension system.

Among the points they made, CTA and CTA-Retired (CTA-R) members and ACSA representatives emphasized that public employees contribute to their pensions and that retirement funds are not a “taxpayer giveaway,” as critics have charged. The average CalSTRS member retires at age 62 after 27 years of service. Fully 70% of