Sunday, June 26, 2011

Is this as scary as it looks? DR: Senate passes bill allowing corporate sponsorship of charter schools in exchange for student slots, board seats

Senate passes bill allowing corporate sponsorship of charter schools in exchange for student slots, board seats |

Senate passes bill allowing corporate sponsorship of charter schools in exchange for student slots, board seats

Published: Monday, June 20, 2011, 12:30 PM Updated: Monday, June 20, 2011, 12:53 PM

BATON ROUGE -- Over the objections of some public school advocates, the Louisiana Senate voted22-16 Monday to allow corporations to sponsor charter schools in exchange for controlling up to half of the enrollment slots and half of the governing board seats.

Rep. Steve Carter.jpgRep. Steve Carter

House Bill 421 by Rep. Steve Carter, R-Baton Rouge, must return to the House, where the lower chamber is expected to approve only minor changes and send the bill on to Gov. Bobby Jindal, who announced his support for the measure in January. The House approved the bill 72-23earlier in the session.

Chambers of commerce and other business lobbies pitched the bill as another incentive for business to come to Louisiana.

"This new business-charter school partnership legislation will help feed the pipeline of qualified workers for Louisiana businesses while creating important career opportunities for students," the governor said in a speech to business leaders earlier this year.

During floor debate, Sen. Julie Quinn, R-Metairie, called the bill "another tool in the toolbox" both for economic development and expanding educational opportunities,