Thursday, June 30, 2011

Is Dignity Cost-Effective? | Edwize

Is Dignity Cost-Effective? | Edwize

Is Dignity Cost-Effective?

An editorial and a “straight news story” in the New York Post are “six of one; half a dozen of the other.” The publisher’s opinions that should, according to Journalism 101, be restricted to the editorial page, infest their reporting, sometimes in ways as subliminal as they are insidious.

The opening paragraph in a June 22 piece concludes that charter schools are “innovative” when it comes to pensions for its teachers. Why? Because “just 28 percent of the state’s charter schools participated in the state or city TRS in 2008-9.”

Being reactionary whilst being creative is a form of innovation too, apparently. It’s a rip to see these moral Luddites turn “progressive” when the concept is skewered to mean “progressing” back to a time before comforts were available to the rabble even if they paid for it with their labor.

But more egregious than this particular specimen of Post bias are two cited paraphrases of remarks allegedly