Saturday, June 25, 2011

How Did We Get To The Point of Attacking Teachers? by Paul Karrer

Parent Advocates -
How Did We Get To The Point of Attacking Teachers? by Paul Karrer
The public has gone from venerating teachers to vilifying them .How did things get to this state of affairs?

How Did We Get Here?
by Paul Karrer

The public has gone from venerating teachers to vilifying them .How did things get to this state of affairs?

Answer – a confluence of impacts.

1. The influence of those who reject public education on religious grounds. Those who say “government” is the problem. Many who hold this belief system despise science, evidential revelation, and secularism. Quite simply they “believe” the world is 6000 years old and they reject any and all worldly proofs in conflict with their vision. They were among the first to begin home schooling. They feared contamination and resented paying taxes for the general good.

2. Bill Gates - An expose by the Los Angeles Times revealed that a major education reform force for well over a decade has been Bill Gates. And all of this has been under the radar. The Gates foundation desires to overhau