Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hot town. Summer in the city. But the streets belong to the people. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Hot town. Summer in the city. But the streets belong to the people. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Hot town. Summer in the city. But the streets belong to the people.

Twenty-three people were arrested as a result of acts of civil disobedience in front of the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chicago yesterday.

Eighteen different community groups and labor unions held three different rallies that converged into one outside the Hyatt where a conference of corporate Chief Executive Officers was being held.

This from the Chicago Teachers Union:

CPS is talking about cutting the budget – including possibly denying you your contractual raise – while at the same time banks and developers are refusing to pay their fair share to educate our kids. CPS is having a vote on June 14th – we must make our voices heard, that balancing school budgets on the backs of students and teachers/psrps is unconscionable.

Please join us on June 14th, as we ask the Chief Financial Officers of major national corporations who are raking in record profits while our schools suffer to