Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Here's to the Teachers! SOS March and National Call to Action #neara11

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Join us July 28-31 2011 in Washington DC to support equitable funding for all public school communities, end high stakes testing used for the purpose of student, teacher, and school evaluation, give teacher, family and community leadership a clear place in forming public education policies, and encourage local school communities to develop curriculum specific to their needs.
Images in chronological order:
photos: John Dewey, Deborah Meier (from "The Power of their Ideas"), anonymous teacher
films: "To Make a Difference" by Tom Valens,"Lessons from the Real World" by Bob Gliner, "August to June: Bringing Life To School" by Tom Valens, "The Hobart
Shakespeareans" (Rafe Esquith) by Mel Stuart, "World Peace and other 4th-grade Achievements" (John Hunter) by Chris Farina
Script: Anthony Cody Narrator: Jim Griffiths Editor: Tom Valens