Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Do self-selection and attrition matter in KIPP schools? - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Do self-selection and attrition matter in KIPP schools? - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Do self-selection and attrition matter in KIPP schools?

I published a post last week by Richard D. Kahlenberg, a senior fellow at The Century Foundation and author of “All Together Now: Creating Middle-Class Schools through Public School Choice,” about the KIPP charter schools. He criticized KIPP, arguing that KIPP “skims motivated students and yet is pointed to as a segregation success story.” Yesterday Ryan Hill, executive director of four KIPP charter schools in Newark, N.Y., responded with a post arguing that Kahlenberg was wrong. You can read it here, and then come back and read this, Kahlenberg’s response to Hill.

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Literature study by teleconference

Veteran teacher Rene Moore was not convinced how teacher colloration — real or virtual — could actually help students learn, but the Mississippi/South Africa Freedom Project changed her mind.

This is the latest installment in a series on The Answer Sheet called “Faces of Learning,” a national campaign designed to explore what powerful learning environments and highly effective teachers really look like.

The campaign is designed to answer the following questions: How do people learn? How do I learn? What does the ideal learning environment look like? And how can we create more of them?

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