Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Daily Kos: My American Dream - part II

Daily Kos: My American Dream - part II

My American Dream - part II

if you want, you can read My American Dream - part 1

Work should have dignity. All who want to work should be able to, in jobs which pay livable wages, in working circumstances which are not abusive, in situations which do not subject workers to health and environmental risks.

In my American dream employment is a greater priority than tax cuts.

In my American dream the rights of those willing to work are at least the equal of the fictional persons known as corporations.

In my American dream every worker every place would have a right to organize so that the bargaining over the terms of employment is balanced.

In my American dream any corporation that breaks the law - employment or otherwise - would find its managers and corporate officers and directors legally responsible - for civil as well as criminal damages. Maybe then they would not abuse those of us whose labor actually creates wealth.

But there is much more to my American Dream - part II.