Thursday, June 16, 2011

Daily Kos: and now I am in Minneapolis #NN11

Daily Kos: and now I am in Minneapolis

and now I am in Minneapolis

Perhaps it was a waste of time going to school yesterday. I was there primarily to let students turn in the take home final 2 days late for partial credit, but none did by the 8:30 deadline. I did get to say goodbye to those who students who showed up, but even my AP classes had at least 1/3 of the students missing, and my regular classes it was more than half.

I could not make a non-stop flight that would get me to Minneapolis in time to really catch up with people, so I wound up connecting through Atlanta. Let's say that neither leg of the trip was pleasant, both planes were packed, and the 2nd had a crying baby several rows away for most of the flight. Still, I was able get several hours of sleep.

And then I finally got to the Hilton, main hotel for Netroots Nation. And then the fun began.