Sunday, June 12, 2011

Commentary: $8 million District slush fund is why we need more than political theater | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

Commentary: $8 million District slush fund is why we need more than political theater | Philadelphia Public School Notebook

Commentary: $8 million District slush fund is why we need more than political theater

It’s business as usual at the School Reform Commission. $629 million budget gap? Pshaw. Public officials demanding oversight? Meh.

All you have to do is look at the resolutions on the docket for the Monday, June 13 voting meeting. Let’s start with SRC-16, a resolution that sets aside a whopping $8 million for the coming year for what the administration calls “limited contracting authority” (LCA). District officials define it as contracts under $15,000 that would not require SRC review but would go through a staff committee instead. One argument presented was that the SRC had so many resolutions to look at already, it shouldn’t be bothered with contracts of such a low amount.

Hold on a second right there.

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