Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Can We Get Much Higher? | The Jose Vilson

Can We Get Much Higher? | The Jose Vilson

Can We Get Much Higher?

Kanye West

I hate being mentioned in the same sentence as “education reform” unless it’s at the book-ends of the phrase “does not believe in.” I hate being mentioned much to begin with, but to be mentioned as someone who believes in some sort of ed-reform is almost insulting, because the ed-reform has become ed-deform and teachers have been relegated to the op-ed / response sections of major newspapers. Rather than responding, we ought to fight for the front of the line. My leadership style is usually not so forward, but I honestly believe we as educators (and I mean all types of educators) need to push for the new, the creative, the awesome, the passionate, and … the original.

We can’t be the responders anymore. We have to seek the new narrative. However we do it, we can’t always be